Healthy mouth, healthy body, healthy life

Archworks Dental Lab

Founder of Archworks

Dr. Adam Woods

Dr. Adam Woods was born and raised in Grande Prairie. With his friends and family in the area, he has proudly served the Beaverlodge community for many years. Adam played varsity volleyball at GPRC before moving to Edmonton to complete his undergraduate degree and dental school. Since then, Dr. Woods has continued to expand his knowledge of tooth replacement and oral health.

“From the day I did my first all-on-4 dental implant case I was absolutely hooked. To see the difference it made for my patient and how it completely changed their life was probably one of the most fulfilling moments in my career. That’s why I founded Archworks Dental Lab to provide a practice dedicated to replacing missing teeth and providing a path to smile again” – Dr. Adam Woods

What is Archworks?

Archworks Dental Lab is a premier dental lab located in Beaverlodge, AB, specializing in dental implants, with a particular focus on All-on-4 dental implants. Led by Dr. Woods and his skilled team, Archworks is dedicated to providing the latest advancements in tooth replacement technology. Their mission is to ensure that the communities of Beaverlodge, Grand Prairie, and surrounding areas have access to high-quality dental solutions that restore smiles and confidence to help you be the best version of yourself.

dentist showing a patient all on 4 dental implants

Why You Should Replace Missing Teeth

Replacing missing teeth is crucial for both your oral health and overall well-being. When a tooth is lost, the gap it leaves can lead to a series of problems. The surrounding teeth may shift out of alignment, causing bite issues and potentially leading to difficulties in chewing and speaking. Over time, this misalignment can contribute to the wear and tear of remaining teeth, increasing the risk of further tooth loss.

Additionally, missing teeth can lead to the deterioration of the jawbone in the affected area. When teeth are present, the roots stimulate the jawbone during chewing, helping to maintain its density and strength. Without this stimulation, the bone may begin to resorb, leading to a sunken appearance in the face and potentially causing further oral health issues. By replacing missing teeth with options like dental implants, bridges, or dentures, you can maintain the integrity of your jawbone, preserve the alignment of your remaining teeth, and restore both function and aesthetics to your smile.

Dr Adam Woods Smiling at a patient at Dentistry on 43
smiling patient after visiting our dentist in Beaverlodge, Alberta.

What Is All-On-4 Dental Implants?

Unlike traditional methods that require an implant for every missing tooth, the all-on-4 dental implant system uses just four strategically placed implants to support an entire arch of teeth. These implants are often angled for maximum support, making use of available bone and reducing the need for bone grafting. Learn more about all-on-4 dental implants here.

all-on-4 implants

Why Choose All-On-4 Dental Implants?

  • Immediate Results: All-on-4 dental implants offer the advantage of immediate functional and aesthetic benefits, as temporary teeth can often be placed on the same day as the implant procedure. This means patients can walk out with a full set of teeth, avoiding the discomfort and inconvenience of waiting for traditional dentures.

  • Cost-Effective: By using only four implants to support an entire arch of teeth, the All-on-4 technique is typically more cost-effective than traditional methods that may require more implants. This reduction in the number of implants not only lowers the overall cost but also simplifies the procedure.

  • Less Invasive: The All-on-4 procedure generally involves fewer surgeries and often eliminates the need for extensive bone grafting. This less invasive approach not only makes the treatment more accessible to patients who may have previously been considered unsuitable for implants but also results in a quicker recovery time.

  • Longevity: With proper care and maintenance, All-on-4 dental implants are designed to be a long-lasting solution. Many patients find that their implants can last a lifetime, providing a durable and reliable option for tooth replacement that supports both oral health and quality of life.

Financing Your Dental Treatments

At Archworks Dental Lab, we understand that dental care is essential for maintaining your overall health, but managing financially can sometimes be challenging, especially for treatments like dental implants. To overcome this obstacle, we proudly offer dental treatment financing through LendCare, a leading provider of financing solutions for healthcare procedures. Learn more here!

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